Feb 28 , 2020
How To Clear Up A Clogged Nose
Kids are curious little creatures that love to take risks. Babies especially love to learn more about the world using their own senses. Our little ones usually do this by just imitating sounds, grabbing onto random things, or sometimes even shoving tiny objects into their noses and mouths.
Trying to stop little Lily or Todd from filling their nostrils with random objects is one of the most difficult parenting tasks ever. No matter how long you watch over your kids like a hawk, they’ll always end up sneakily shoving a tiny toy or two up their nostrils. You might not even know that something isn’t right with their breathing until two or three days after the deed has been done.
Clearing your baby’s nose of crayons or other tiny objects is easier said than done. While a good little six or seven-year-old patient might be willing to sit still for a few crucial seconds, babies often end up squirming and screaming the whole time. If your baby has shoved something really deep in their noses you might not even be able to see or take it out very well.
Don’t Poke Or Prod
Blind poking, shoving, and grabbing usually works well with inanimate objects that are out of our reach. With babies though? Not so much. You shouldn’t try to dislodge something from your baby’s nose with a cotton swab since this will only push the foreign object deeper into the nasal canal. Waving a cotton swab inside your baby’s delicate nasal canal will also only scratch and injure it even further. You won’t have much luck using a napkin or handkerchief, either.
It’s much better to use decongestants when clearing up your baby’s nose. Topical decongestants do a better job of moving foreign objects out of your baby’s nose without causing unnecessary pain or injury. While saline sprays are mainly used to remove sticky snot and mucus, they can also dislodge foreign objects from your baby’s nasal canal. You don’t even need to worry about accidentally pushing objects into your baby’s throat or nose since most topical decongestants are made in the form of nasal drops or sprays.
Try A “Mother’s Kiss”
Studies have shown that parents were able to successfully unclog their babies’ noses using this technique without suffering any adverse effects. If you and your baby don’t have to worry about any colds or coughs, you can try clearing up your baby’s nose with this neat little trick.
First, open up your child’s mouth then place your own mouth over it. Basically, imagine doing CPR over your little one. Next, place a finger over your child’s unaffected nostril. Finally, keep blowing air into your child’s mouth until the foreign object flies out of their nose. You don’t have to worry about accidentally injuring your child’s throat or lungs since their glottis stays closed up the whole time.
This technique is usually more effective with objects that are closer to the front of your child’s nasal canal. If you can’t see the foreign object inside of your baby’s nose, you might be better off consulting a doctor instead. It’s also best not to use this technique if the foreign object is too sharp or jagged to be blown away painlessly.
DIY Only Once
“Try and try again until you succeed” is a pretty good mantra to follow if you’re a struggling student or employee. If you’re a parent with a problem like this, it’s not a good idea to be too persistent. If you fail to unclog your baby’s nose the first time, you should stop and seek a doctor’s help instead of trying again. Too many failures and repeated attempts will only result in a nasal canal that’s swollen or injured. Not to mention a grumpy and frustrated little baby. Your local pediatrician will have a much better idea of what to do and how to succeed, so don’t be afraid to pay them a visit.
See The Signs Early On
It only takes a few seconds for a baby to shove something up their nose. You might not even notice that they’ve done so until a few hours later. There’s no need to fret if you’ve found out about this a little too late. Acting quickly instead of waiting around can definitely save your baby’s life.
Unusual nasal discharge is usually the first sign of a stuffed nose. A healthy nasal canal will usually give off white or colorless discharge, while a nasal canal that’s been clogged will usually leak dark green or unusually-colored fluid. If your baby starts to display the signs of a cold or sinusitis, there might be a huge chance that they’ve filled their noses with something strange.
Another sign of a clogged nose is an unusual smell coming from one of the nostrils. Nasal canals that have become severely clogged and inflamed can end up giving off an odd smell. If your baby’s nose starts to smell a little funny, you should check for any obstructions or consult a pediatrician.
A baby’s sensitive nose can often fill up not only with foreign objects but also with sticky snot and mucus. It’s not a good idea to rely too much on cotton swabs or tissues to clear up your baby’s nose since they usually do more harm than good. A baby nasal aspirator is a much safer tool capable of sucking up even the most stubborn of mucus and snot from your baby’s delicate nasal canal. Order yours from our online shop today with just one click!