Feb 21 , 2020
Dealing With Teething
Teething is one of the most challenging milestones for any baby and parent. When a baby starts teething around the time they’re 4 to 7 months old, their bodies go through quite a bit of pain and discomfort. Swollen gums, excessive drooling, fever, and even sinus and ear infections can cause a lot of grief for your precious little one. Recognizing the signs of teething early on can help you figure out a way to ease their worries and help them get through this difficult period.
Is My Baby Really Teething?
It’s pretty easy to figure out if your baby’s teeth are beginning to grow. If you notice your baby acting rather fussy or drooling more than usual, it’s a good sign that teeth are beginning to poke through the gums. Your baby might also begin to bite or wake up at odd hours due to discomfort, and in some cases even develop a rash or begin rubbing their ears due to a sudden surge of pressure in the ear canal.
Even though a lot of parents recognize fever as a veritable sign of teething, this isn’t always the case. Fevers that happen during teething don’t usually cause a baby’s body temperature to exceed 100°F, and they don’t always happen with most babies. If your baby’s body temperature spikes to more than 100°F, it could be a sign of a more serious illness instead of just teething.
Diarrhea, a decreased appetite for liquids, severe rashes, coughing, and high fevers don’t really happen because of teething. Growing teeth shouldn’t cause a change in your baby’s bowel habits or appetite considering that they don’t have much to do with the digestive or excretory system. While it’s common for babies not to want to eat solids while their gums are painful and swollen, they should still at the very least be willing to drink easy-to-swallow liquids like milk and water. If your baby begins to experience illnesses that don’t have much to do with the teeth or gums, it’s best to bring them to a pediatrician in order to find out whether there are any underlying problems to address.
You don’t have to worry too much if your baby’s teeth aren’t coming out even after 4 months as teething times and patterns can vary greatly. Some babies can teethe quite early while others can begin to teethe just before they turn a year old. Babies can also experience a different range of symptoms while teething—some babies can be prone to quite a bit of pain and discomfort, while other babies don’t experience too many problems while their teeth emerge.
How Can I Help My Baby Feel Better?
Teething isn’t something that can go away in one instant. Fortunately, most pain and discomfort caused by it usually only lasts around the time when teeth need to poke through the gums. Your baby will start to feel better when their teeth finally emerge and their gums go back to their normal state. There might still be times when your baby will still have to deal with a surge of pain and pressure from time to time, so it’s best to soothe and comfort them when you can.
Teething toys are known to be quite reliable and helpful for babies around this time. When picking a teething ring for your baby, be sure to pick one with firm rubber that won’t break apart or disintegrate in your baby’s mouth. It’s best not to pick toys that are too hard as they can make your baby feel even worse—when gums clamp down on teething rings that are as hard as ice, they’ll cause your baby to experience even more pain instead of providing relief.
If your baby experiences a fever while teething, you can keep their body temperature up by giving them a warm bath or massaging their bodies with a warm piece of cloth. Do avoid giving any unnecessary medication or lowering your baby’s bedroom temperature too much as this can cause their mild fever to become even worse. Your baby’s fever should go away soon enough as long as you keep them warm and soothe them in only safe ways.
Another good way to ease your baby’s discomfort is to gently massage their gums. Putting a little ice on your fingers before rubbing the gums can help reduce swelling and relieve pain. It’s best not to rely too much on teething tablets or painkillers as they can become quite toxic and harmful when ingested. You should also avoid using teething tablets and gels that have belladonna and benzocaine as they’re considered rather unsafe for babies. If you feel like you need to give your baby medication, it’s best to consult a pediatrician beforehand as they have a better idea of what does and doesn’t work for your baby’s health.
Sinus infections can sometimes happen during teething as a result of additional pressure in the sinus cavities. You can relieve your baby’s swollen and irritated nose by sucking up sticky mucus and snot with a reliable nasal aspirator. Our nasal aspirator can help your baby breathe easier during difficult times by gently removing excess mucus in just a few minutes. Take a look at our online store and get yours today with just one click.