Feb 15 , 2020
Can Babies Really Get Allergies?
Babies often get colds several times in their young lives. Though they might fuss and feel frustrated from not being able to breathe easily, they aren’t likely to suffer any adverse effects or serious discomfort. After all, a cold is a sign that their immune systems are growing stronger and working properly. Soothing your baby by sucking up all the sticky snot and mucus from their noses should give them the relief they need while their bodies recover.
Allergies, on the other hand, are just as common yet somewhat more terrifying for new parents. It can sometimes be difficult to tell when a baby is dealing with a regular cold, or when they aren’t reacting well to certain foods or medications. Knowing and recognizing the signs of an allergy can help you best determine your child’s needs so that you can give them the best relief and treatment.
The idea of a baby having allergies to anything might seem farfetched considering that they haven’t been exposed to common allergens for too long. Environmental allergies involving dust or pollen aren’t really that common in young babies, while food or medicine allergies are more likely to develop at an early age.
Food Allergies
Food allergies are most common among young babies less than a year old. When you start feeding your babies solid foods at 4 to 5 months, you might find out that they can’t actually ingest certain foods like formula milk, eggs, and soy. If your baby begins to develop rashes or hives, starts wheezing and coughing severely, and develops serious digestive problems, it’s a sign that your baby has a serious allergy to something in their diet.
Most food allergies subside by the time babies turn 5 years old, so you don’t have to worry about your child suffering from too many dietary restrictions for the rest of their life. If allergic reactions to food do continue to persist in your child even after they’ve turned 5, it’s best to consult a pediatrician and find out what foods they should avoid in the future.
Environmental Allergies
Although environmental allergies aren’t too common in young babies, it’s still possible for them to develop adverse reactions to certain irritants like dust mites, pollen, mold, and pet hair. Most babies don’t really develop this kind of allergy until they reach 18 months, so it’s good to be vigilant and find out if they need to avoid anything outside or indoors even before they turn a year old.
The symptoms of an environmental allergy can be difficult to discern as they closely resemble common nasal illnesses. Babies who are allergic to certain things in the environment often experience a clogged and runny nose, itchy eyes, asthma, coughing, and sneezing. If your baby starts the day fine but soon feels ill once they’re in a new place, or once new items are introduced in their environment, it’s a sign that they might be allergic to certain animals, objects, or things in the air.
The best way to prevent or manage allergies in babies is to properly inspect your home and remove anything that could become potential allergens. Using dust-mite proof blankets and pillows can reduce your child’s chances of becoming ill in their sleep while getting rid of drapes and hairy pets can prevent them from suffering difficult allergic reactions in their home every day. It’s also important to stay indoors with your baby during high-pollen seasons and avoid exposing them to environments full of irritants, such as dusty parks and buildings. You can also consult a pediatrician and have them conduct safe tests to determine what allergens you should avoid and how you can best treat your child in case they suffer any more allergic reactions.
Several safe treatments for allergies are widely available. Ointments and antihistamines can relieve hives and itchy rashes in babies without too many side effects, while certain approved oral medications can help reduce the severity of symptoms in allergy-stricken babies. Your pediatrician will know what proper steps to take in case your baby is accidentally exposed to harmful irritants and allergens.
One of the best ways to help babies cope with allergies is to relieve symptoms when you can. Nasal decongestants can help unclog noses and suck away sticky snot and mucus so your baby can breathe and heal easier. We have an effective nasal decongestant that can comfort any baby quickly, safely, and painlessly, so why not get yours today with just one click?