Xanthea Sagsago

Making A First Aid Kit For Your Home

Accidents are always bound to happen, especially in a home with lots of curious babies and toddlers running around. Even though you’ve done your best to baby-proof your home, you can’t always avoid the occasional scrape or bump on the head.
Having a first aid kit on hand is one of the best ways to keep kids healthy and happy in and out of the home. When your child stumbles or bumps his head while playing, you can jump to the rescue and treat minor injuries right away. Here is some handy advice for picking out your own home first-aid kit.

Xanthea Sagsago

Settling The Score On Swaddling

Swaddling, a practice that involves wrapping babies in thin blankets and cloth, is a popular yet sometimes controversial practice often done to improve sleeping practices and provide comfort. Though some parents can attest to its benefits-mainly, reduced crying and longer sleep, other parents and health professionals still express doubts due to the risks involved. It is possible to help a distressed baby feel better with swaddling done in a safe and responsible way. You should always swaddle your child while they're in the supine position, and you should always use products that are safe and suffocation-free. 

Xanthea Sagsago

The Basics Of Cloth Diapers

Cloth diapers have been shaping up to be a more inexpensive and economically-friendly alternative to disposable diapers. Instead of buying new diapers every week, all you have to do is wash a cloth diaper then use it again once it’s done drying. These parenting products might seem strange and difficult to use at first, but they can indeed save you a lot of wasted time and money in no time.

There are many different cloth diaper options out there to try out. Parents who prefer to do things the old fashioned way can have fun using flat or prefolded cloth diapers at home, while other parents might find washing cloth diapers in one go to be much easier and time-saving. Here are a few tidbits to know before buying cloth diapers for the first time.

Xanthea Sagsago

Why Wear Your Baby?

Babywearing allows you to perform household tasks or travel anywhere without the burden of dragging a stroller around or carrying a baby with one arm. Keeping your baby close to your chest for almost the whole day also allows for easier breastfeeding (simply nurse him in the carrier or keep him occupied while you look for a nursing station!), healthy socio-emotional development, and a more valuable bonding experience. There are plenty of options for safe, efficient, and easy babywearing out there. Why not try them out?

Xanthea Sagsago

Why Read Aloud To A Baby?

Language and speech development in early childhood is a matter of learning to imitate and piece together all kinds of sounds and words. Even though babies aren’t exactly capable of carrying conversations, they can still learn a lot when they interact with the world around them and listen to the voices of their beloved caregivers.
Reading aloud is one of the best ways to enhance your child’s early literacy skills. Though young babies might not be able to ask questions or review a story, they can still respond and learn in many meaningful ways. In fact, babies can even develop preferences for certain books, bright colors, and familiar pictures.

Xanthea Sagsago

Used Baby Items: What To Buy And What To Avoid

It just isn’t possible to keep buying expensive brand-name goods every few months. Buying second-hand baby items is much more practical when you need to save up for your baby’s next birthday or doctor’s appointment.

Although there are a lot of safe and durable items that can withstand all kinds of wear and tear, it’s also important to remember that not everything is meant to last forever. Stuff that might appear strong and useful at first can degrade over time and become quite unsafe. Here’s a brief list of second-hand stuff that you should try, as well as second-hand stuff that shouldn’t be in your home.